Ingrid Weiss Slikkers

Slikkers 1993年毕业于bet365中文大学,获得英语/传播学文学学士学位,并在bet365中文大学担任社会工作全职助理教授两年. 她还在伯大尼基督教服务中心工作,在那里她为密歇根西南部的移民和难民项目提供咨询和监督临床领域.

What are you involved with that allows you to change the world around you?

For the last five years, 我一直在伯大尼基督教服务中心工作,帮助无人陪伴的移民和难民儿童. 我得到了在密歇根州西南部帮助发展寄养和教育项目的机会, 但更重要的是,运用我的临床/治疗技能,创造一个了解创伤的环境,让孩子们感到安全,并开始从他们目睹和经历的情感和心理创伤中恢复过来. 这包括与bet365中文大学的学生一起在该领域实习,并在过去两年作为社会工作教师全职参与学生的工作.

For the past year, 我还与东南亚倡导者和受迫害者(ASAP Ministries)合作,制定了创伤意识项目,将在国内和国际上实施,可以对儿童和成人进行修改. We are calling it StepS (Sensory Trauma Education ProgramS). It provides at least three different levels of training, one for those helping refugees (StepS for Helpers), one for refugees themselves (StepS for Healing), and one specifically for children (StepS for Children). 疗愈的步骤旨在提供创伤入门教育,并提供有意的想法和感官相关的工具,以鼓励在关系的背景下进行治疗.

在宝大尼的这些年里,我被赋予了开发创伤治疗工具和干预治疗的能力, 我们现在能够使用这些模式来分享工具,并教育人们如何在自己的社区内理解和开始治愈. Because the tools are based on the human senses, 他们能够跨越文化和语言,并开始治愈许多因逃离原籍国而如此支离破碎的人. 这一点非常重要,因为大多数人无法获得专业的精神卫生服务.

The scope of this project is as big as God allows. We hope to continue reaching those impacted by displacement, whether they be refugee congregations across this country or in other areas of the world. 我们很幸运,通过与ASAP的合作,我们已经在去年3月在国内和泰国的一个难民营进行了展示.

How did you get into this work/activity/project/etc.?

Five years ago I was asked to do it professionally for Bethany Christian Services. 我当时在一个不同的项目工作,他们问我是否愿意接受这个项目,因为我是双语者,而且在拉丁裔社区工作过. 最初, 该项目从只会说西班牙语的边境无人陪伴儿童开始. The StepS program developed after conversations with Julia O’Carey, director of ASAP, at the Refugee Conference held at Andrews last fall. This conversation and others like it, 这篇文章阐述了创伤对大脑的影响以及研究和科学证明的可能发生的愈合, were influential in the development of the project. God gives us hope even in such terrible unspeakable situations. 整体, 我和我的学生们试图通过提供对创伤的认识和我们力所能及的干预来带来希望和治愈的开始.

How have you been changed by this?

I have learned that God will surprise you in where He wants you to go. I’m a planner and I would have never imagined this in my future. 看到新的模式和治疗方法的发展并见证它们如何应用于该领域是令人兴奋的. 我鼓励学生们这样做,并敬畏地站在一个破碎的世界里,上帝给了我们治愈和希望的方法.

有时听到别人对难民和移民的看法,我也会感到悲伤,但我继续回到马太福音25章,努力以那种方式生活. 有时,我对与我一起服务的人们和他们的服务精神感到惊讶. My students inspire me beyond words! 移民和难民本身是如此美丽和强大,和他们在一起让我想起了上帝,他希望所有人都能得到恢复.

My worldview has also been changed. Now I feel that when I look someone in their eyes and hear their story, how can I not allow this to change me? How can I not respond to them in some way?

诚实, 我的工作中最有影响力的部分是能够传播意识,并在人际关系中看到希望. 在我们的照顾下,为孩子们提供一点安全,并影响他们的未来,这真是太棒了. 事实上,他们的小大脑在我们的照顾下得到了一些治疗,我们可以与社区分享这些信息,这是非常有影响力的. I love hearing people say, “I will never think about the brain the same again,” or “I now view all people differently.”

How have you changed others?

我所做的工作希望能给那些正在挣扎的人带来希望,给员工带来创伤的视角和理解, students and others.

我看到人们在能够“命名”它(“命名就是驯服它”)并开始有意识地进行治疗时发生了变化. People are thankful when you help them, to reunify them with their children, or keep their children safe here in the U.S. When people begin to see hope that healing is possible it is very uplifting. 当有人告诉你他们的故事时,你可以明显地看到他们的身体释放了一些痛苦,很明显,“可以分享的就是可以忍受的。.学生和教职员工表示,从创伤的角度看问题改变了他们看待他人的方式,从“你身上发生了什么”到“你有什么问题”.“有时候,这很简单,就像分享和教育安全的身体接触对治疗的重要性一样(就像拥抱一样简单),让一个难民拥抱你,紧紧抓住你,因为他们觉得这样做足够安全,可能以前从未感受过这种形式的人际关系。. I had a young mother do this when we were in the refugee camp in Thailand. That impacted me greatly, and I believe it impacted her greatly as well.

我们希望我们的工作影响了我们所服务的人,但我知道我们的工作正在影响我们的学生. In their eyes I see their growing understanding of the plight of people, but also the hope that there can be healing.