

研究办公室 & Creative Scholarship awards 本科 研究 Scholar awards of $750 per semester to undergraduates involved in an independent research project under the guidance of a faculty mentor, 在导师的专业领域. The awards are available each semester of the academic year and during the summer. 学生可以在两个或两个以上的学期中从事一个研究项目, 每学期750美元. The awards require student effort equivalent to one-semester credit of research in the department for each semester award.  学生 wishing to do intensive research during the summer (the equivalent of two semester credits of research), 可以在夏季申请双重奖励(1500美元)吗.

The 本科 研究 Scholar award is designed for bet365中文大学 undergraduate students who are committed to conducting significant research or creative scholarship.

An essential feature of the 本科 研究 Scholar award is the student/mentor relationship established between a student and a faculty member. This relationship begins when the student and faculty member agree on a research project and submit a joint proposal. During the project the student’s role should develop toward independence as a researcher or creator. The project could result in an 荣誉 thesis and/or a presentation at an appropriate national or regional professional meeting, 并可能在同行评议中发表, 专业文献. 在所有情况下, the student completes his or her undergraduate career with an exciting educational endeavor.

If the student’s 本科 研究 Scholar work is accepted for presentation at a regional or national professional meeting while still a student at bet365中文大学, the 办公室 研究及创意奖学金 can provide supporting funds to cover 50% of the student’s travel/attendance expenses, 最高500美元. 了解更多关于会议报销的信息 在这里.


有资格参加本科研究学者计划, a student should be a full-time student at bet365中文大学 and have completed a minimum of 30 undergraduate credits (2 semesters). 学生的bet365中文大学累积GPA必须至少为3分.25,上一学期的平均成绩至少为3分.25,保持3.每学期平均绩点达到25分.




学生 may contact a faculty member in whose area of research the student is interested, 或者教师可以选择一个学生. An application is submitted by the student's research mentor to the 研究 Office. 如果得到批准, the mentor will submit a research progress report as the end of the semester approaches in order for the award to be released to the student’s account. 请注意,为了让学生获得奖励, the faculty mentor must certify that the student has completed the amount of effort expected to receive a passing grade for a one-credit departmental 研究 course. 教师 with ongoing active research programs involving students can request up to two 本科 研究 Scholar awards in a semester.  

The deadline for application is the first Friday of the semester or summer term, and the student and faculty mentor will be informed of the approval decision by the end of the following week. Please email the completed form in Microsoft Word format or as an RTF file to the 办公室 研究及创意奖学金, research@slo-express.com. 请不要以PDF格式提交申请, 作为Apple Pages文档(除非导出为富文本格式), 或者使用Google Docs/Drive.

The mentoring faculty member may complete most of the form; however, the student is responsible for completing two sections—"学生的研究 Protocol and Expectations" and "Student Resume.虽然是和教授商量后写的, these sections give the student the opportunity to demonstrate ownership of the research. Projects should be chosen that are consistent with the professor's research agenda and yet are in line with the interests of the student.



  1. 注册一门研究课程. 注册可以是零学分、一学分或两学分.
  2. 完成负责任的研究行为认证(以及 NIH PHRP培训 如果研究对象是人类). 如欲申请RCR培训,请发送电子邮件 irb@slo-express.com 并要求培训.
  3. 参加年度 荣誉学者和本科生研究海报研讨会.
  4. Undertake the equivalent amount of work that the student's department expects for a one-credit research course.


Intellectual property produced by students as part of their URS is retained by the student if the research is a student-initiated project independent of the research program of their faculty mentor.  然而, the intellectual property developed by students as part of a larger research program of the faculty mentor is retained by the university/faculty member.  在后一种情况下,教师导师应要求URS学生签署一份 学生知识产权豁免表格 在开始他们的研究计划之前.  填妥的学生知识产权豁免表格应由教师保留, 并将副本发送至research@slo-express.com.  This does not waive the student’s right to be listed as a coauthor on all presentations and publications resulting from the student’s contribution to the research project.

下载方式: 学生知识产权豁免表格


Since the award is given in recognition of the student’s scholarly growth and educational progress, 奖学金将在学生参与的学期结束时颁发, based on the faculty mentor’s certification that the student has achieved the expectations in terms of involvement, 兴趣与成长. Once the faculty mentor has certified that the student has met expectations by submitting the URS report to the 办公室 研究及创意奖学金 (research@slo-express.com),奖金将存入学生的帐户.

下载表格: URS报告表格

If, 到学期末, 这个学生没有取得令人满意的进步, 该奖项将不予颁发. Rather it will be retained by the 办公室 研究及创意奖学金 for awarding to future undergraduate research students.


历届本科生研究学者的研究课题如下: URS奖得主.


感谢你们与研究与创意奖学金办公室的合作.  Gifts to this fund will be used to expand the number of 本科 研究 Scholar Awards and support faculty and student research activities above and beyond what is normally funded through the internal grant process, 支付参加国内和国际会议的旅费, and to support the hosting of research conferences w在这里 our faculty and students can interact with other researchers from around the world.  在此捐款