
The University may go into lockdown for two primary reasons; an active violent threat to the campus or potential for an active violent threat to occur. The potential to occur can include threat to others and/or threat to self.

The major aspects of a campus lockdown include the following:

额外的 资源 如下所列.

Individuals who observe a violent act or believe that a violent act is about to occur, 应该打911报警吗. When contacting 911, the caller can be asked for any of the following information:

  • Location (can include street address, Rm#, or cardinal direction)
    • Note: For the majority of campus, the University’s water tower is on the north side of the campus. This can be a land mark to help determine your cardinal direction.
  • 紧急情况类型
  • 暴力行为:
    • Description of subject (physical appearance, name if known, direction of travel, etc.)
    • Description of weapon (can include basic information such as knife, hand-gun, rifle, shotgun, etc.)
    • 其他“限定词”
      • 听到枪声或人们大喊大叫
      • 看到有人携带武器或有人在逃跑/撤离

As the initial witness to a violent act, there are three things to remember:

  • Avoid normalization: It is common to observe elements of an active threat and to minimalize the severity of it. A typical example of this is hearing a gunshot and concluding that the sound heard is that of a car backfiring.
  • 快速响应,使用跑躲打模型.
  • 在安全的情况下尽快报告威胁.

If you are unable to determine if an observed suspicious behavior poses an emergency or not, 你可以报警911或者校园安全中心.


The University will notify the campus of a lockdown 通过AU警报. 初始AU警报将包含以下措辞:


躲藏:寻找掩体,锁门,减少生命迹象 (silent cell phones, turn off lights, etc.).






额外的 非盟警报 messages may be sent to provide further details about the threat or to provide further direction to the campus.

Buildings equipped with mass notification may provide similar notifications as well.

The campus should note that some individuals will become aware of the threat prior to the 非盟警报 notification and should follow reporting guidelines.


When a lockdown is initiated two major tasks will occur simultaneously; the securing/locking of doors and the campus responding using the Run 隐藏 战斗 model.

The securing/locking of doors will occur via electronic/card access or manual means.

It should be noted that when card access doors are in lockdown, 他们只允许紧急救援人员进入. Regular access for employees and students will be disabled during the lockdown. For example, a Resident Hall student will not be able to use their AUID card to enter the dorm.

While the campus is being secured, individuals will need to respond using the Run 隐藏 战斗 model. This model is a continuous self-assessment tool, and is designed to use any option in any order.


  • 心中有逃生路线和计划吗
  • 把你的东西留下
  • As you run, continue to assess the safety of your route/direction of travel
  • If you encounter emergency services, keep your hands visible, palm facing forward
  • 继续跑/离开,直到安全为止
  • 待在安全区域,直到警报解除

Assessment: If it is not safe for me to leave, is it safe for me to hide?

  • 隐藏 in area out of the shooter’s view (avoid direct line of sight with windows or door vision panels)
  • Block entry to your hiding area by securing the door and possibly barricading it with tables/desks
  • 减少生命迹象:
    • 灯了
    • 沉默的手机
    • 关掉其他电子设备
  • 保持安静
  • Remain hidden until no longer safe to do so or until an “All Clear” has been issued

Assessment: If it is not safe for me to leave or hide, then fight
Action: As a last resort, and when your life is in imminent danger, take the following steps:

  • 试图使枪手丧失行动能力
  • 进行身体攻击
  • If possible, coordinate with others to increase effectiveness.

Emergency services will be responding to the scene and individuals should be aware of how to interact with them. 首要目标是阻止威胁. This means that law enforcement will not stop to provide medical first-aid until the threat is stopped. Emergency medical services will also be on scene and will be ready to provide care once it is safe to do so.


  • 听从他们的指示
  • 保持双手可见,掌心向前
  • 不要向他们跑去

The campus should note that Andrews Academy and the Ruth Murdoch Elementary School response procedures will follow Berrien County’s K-12 procedures, including differentiating response between an inside threat and outside threat.

Once law enforcement has confirmed that the threat no longer affects the campus, 一个“所有清除”的消息将通过AU警报发送. While this message indicates that threat to the campus no longer exists, there will still be steps to be taken in the recovery process.


  • 提供医疗服务
  • 护送那些躲在大楼外的人
  • 收集证据
  • 进行采访


  • Providing support services including 校园部门 and the 咨询 & 测试中心
  • Modifying University event schedules or locations in response to the emergency

These directions can be provided verbally by emergency services, 通过AU警报, 或者通过校园邮件或社交媒体. 随着恢复过程的继续, individuals are encouraged to monitor their communication methods to remain up-to-date on available 资源 and directives.

Another important part of recovery is to take care of yourself. Some emergencies can be traumatic and may have an effect on you. The University does have 资源 to help you resume your regular activities. 如果你或你认识的人需要帮助, 您可以通知以下任何一个部门或提交一份 医疗报告 在线.


部门 电话号
学生生活主任 269-471-3215
拉姆森学院院长 269-471-3446
迈尔·霍尔院长 269-471-3390
大学塔楼院长 269-471-3360
校园安全办公室 269-471-3321
咨询 & 检测中心(保密) 269-471-3470
校园牧师(保密) 269-471-3211
人力资源厅 269-471-3570



准备好了.gov - Active射手(运行. 隐藏. 战斗.) 
